Sunday, February 12, 2012

Taken for Granted Chapter 5 - Where dreams begin.

Universe is funny as it shows us ways when we least expect it. It also takes away the pleasures of life and brings tragedies. No one can change a bad beginning but anyone can start now to create a successful ending.

CUT TO: I have a visitor. I wonder who that can be and finally I get to see my visitor. It is Father Pinto. He is trying to get me out on bail. He vouches for me. It gives me hope.

FLASHBACK:  The start of 1996 was a really wonderful. Tourism was picking up slowly as India was slowly becoming a tourist hot spot. Our Hotel was overflowing with tourists. Some were nice, some were harsh. But at the end they were all customers. I remember Anna Kesley from Russia. She stayed in room 137 in our hotel with her parents. She was in Dalhousie for a week. She came to the lobby every evening and meet me. We were both 15 years old and both of us were charmed in each others presence. She liked to talk a lot and we discussed on many issues. She told me stories of Othello and Hamlet. I taught her a few words in Hindi. She joked around that her name meant "come" in Hindi. Taken was of course a interesting name. We had many funny moments with my name. Katha could not meet me in this time, she felt  insecure. She possibly even felt jealous. She started giving me the silent treatment. I was so engrossed in spending time with Anna that I did not even notice that Katha was avoiding me.  I treated Anna as a friend but she was a tourist. She left at the end of the week. I hugged her on the last day, said goodbye and I have never seen her since. Katha was still angry with me.  Shankar tried to convince Katha to forget everything. But she was angry and Shankar kept on trying - he would not give up. But both of them were not meeting me for last 2 days. I was bored. Life seemed dull.

Then one day a fire broke out on the first floor of our hotel. My father got trapped in the flames. AR was outside in the market and he heard about the fire and called fire brigade.  

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