Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The BIG BANG Bazinga.

16th February was the date. I voted. End of story.


Wow! the shortest blog post (by me) ever.

Wait. No there is more.

Why, why - please end this.
(Image from this link)

Ok. Time now for a Bazinga moment.

What if we (Indians) decide to change the face of our democracy.

We right now elect our representatives with one vote each. Each vote technically has the same power over the other. So put it simply a poor slum dweller has a equal say as a middle class flat owner or a rich man with 100+ properties. But are all three able to qualitatively access their representatives. Do they have the time, will and faith over their representatives. Is a feedback and an interactive system in place.

I personally (a post graduate) is sure that I with all my education and exposure is unfit to select the leaders of our country. How do I know how is not/less corrupt. How do I know that this person will not use next 5 years for personal gains. And how do I know that the promise this person is showing right now is a short term carrot to win this election.  These are the usual carrots.(better roads/ water/ transport / Rs.500/ Saree)

But with my education I have imagination.

Hence I put forth a solution to our democracy.

How to find a representative.

1. People vote and elect only a certain set of professional (occupation) related people in their area. For example people will get to elect 3 lawyers, 3 doctors, 3 journalists, 3 businessmen, 3 architects... etc.

An uneducated person can also be selected through this but he needs to be a professional - (businessman, artist, ...)

2. These elected representative will then choose the representative among themselves and those people will do the term as the people representative.

3. Those who do not wish to lead the area will be allowed to drop out but those who are willing and capable will be given due support with all administrative support. (IAS).

4. The remaining candidates who were not selected but elected by the people will be questionable to the people they represent and hence they will be asked to track, monitor and question the working of their selected peer.

5. Targets will be set for the terms of the elected candidates.

6. For reelection, these targets would need to be met.

7. No body will be allowed to be a professional Politician. They need to have an profession. The initial list of professionals will be made available to every voter.


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