Tuesday, January 17, 2012

silver medal 4- burn to earn, opportunity.

Saraswati the Goddess of knowledge and Laxmi the Goddess of wealth will both have to agree that they depend upon sandhi the opportunity.

Now it may be true that one creates his/her own luck but opportunity is indeed a funny phenomenom. It seems close to the extent and when it presents itself you may find yourself harshly unprepared.

What does one do when does not even get a silver medal, they are remembered as once have been. not to mention they are judged by the truth viewed in an unfair manner. There are people who acquire skills slowly and exhibit them gradually. If you do find yourself in such a situation remember that everyone cant be the choosen one. Some people have to burn more to earn the respect.

So what exactly is the burning.

Its not just the desire to get it but a madness to achieve it. Burning is the desire to have it and to work repeatedly until one has it.

It may been ironical but the most "out of the routine" work happens when a person has set a work ethic or "routine" to himself. It does not matter whether this is an time intensive or not but what matters is the consistent amount of time one puts in his/her project.

So even if time and tide waits for no man as opportunity goes past you, you can and you must prepare yourself regularly and steadily that the next time something comes up, you are prepared and ready and there is nothing which can stop you now.

By Ninad Tatke.

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