Sunday, January 01, 2012

Doodle fashion

To doodle is fun and instinctive
But to doodle in class, can bring out art.

And suddenly one fine day the classroom days were over
Yet in that one small lane the ghost of doodle hover

 doodling on the train on a small notepad
 doodling while on the phone
doodling during an chat
doodling on a touch screen
or  i tab

or tablet

keep doodling.

Doodle in the conference room
Doodle as the plan evolve
Doodle when brain storms or when brain stops.

keep doodling.

Losing doodles can hurt
You lose a part of yourself

Finding old doodles brings joy
Brings out old memories
You recall the mood and context for that doodle.
You find yourself smile.

So keep doodling
and bring out the smile.

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