Saturday, September 01, 2012

Creative Samosa : How to eat the cake and have it too.

It was the best of time and yet it was the worst of time. The best of time because so much is available at the finger tips. The worst because, you have no time.

Hence presenting a few tips on having both the opportunity and doing best with it.

(Note the points are written with a male point of view)

  1. Treat every opportunity you get as a Girl. Your  chances then to make time for it will increase.
  2. Ultimately only one person is responsible for the choices you take, and the above mentioned girl isnt that person. Its you. If you do really badly want to do it. You will go ahead and do it.
  3. In case you fall short of what you expect from yourself, dont give up. Everyday is a new day. Go ahead and work on your goal until you get it.
  4. If you choose that you have that Girl (opportunity), then you need to create a support system for getting to your goal, this support system can be friends, family, acquitances. Make sure that you are accountable. At the same time, they can support you incase you fall. Then you jump in the water. (Swimming basics).
  5. Create small goals and go on achieving them with the big goal in mind.
  6. Celebrate the small victories, and adapt yourself to get bigger ones. 

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