Sunday, September 02, 2012

On the beaches of Calungate - The mafia tale - part 2

Part 1

Mean while on the other side of Goa, Rashida a social worker was having her afternoon tea. She had a tough life, with a bad childhood, troubled marriages and was currently pregnant with a child from her third husband. She already was a mother to 2 daughters.

She seemed to be always in some sort of trouble. Many of her troubles were to the fact that she had the money, but she knew that without the money she could not have lasted as an independent women. Her money was due to the farm lands her had inherited.

In her social work though, she was powerful, she helped the homeless, drug addicts and provided almost any support to the needy. She was the nerve of the deprived in Vasco and she lived to that expectation quite well.

Meanwhile advocate Russell Venkat was just leaving his office for a court session in Panaji. It was a stormy case but his strategy was to just delay the procedings until the public opinion cooled off. Afterall the common men had their lives to live.

He manged to stall todays procedings citing that the investigative report was still not ready.
His clients were tourists from Ivory Union. Even though his clients were tourists and stayed in Goa for 4-6 months, they were the Kings and Queens of Goa. They were infact the mafia who ran prostitution rackets, theft, narcotics, land grabbing and even extremes like child sexual abuse.

Venkat though defended his clients as though they were innocent. No one could ever prove that these tourists did all these things. But it was a open secret in Goa.

But today with a closed room meeting, the open secret was about to become a dirty international affair.

By Ninad Tatke.

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