Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Strategic Samosa. The basics of account planning.

The most common thing in any account planning is to talk to the consumer. But account planner has to actually talk with two set of people, one is the consumers and the other which is the client. 


To the consumer he has to find there hidden motivation and aspirations and figure out a way in a most genienue manner of improving their lives. This is not to sell the brand or arm twist the consumer to believe in the brand. You need to understand what the people want, what they need and what are there values.The concern for the consumer has to be genueine. You have to really think for them. And when you do manage to really think for them, you can connect with them better. This is a lot of hard work.


As for the client, the account planner also needs to understand him and his requirements. But while he does so he needs to understand the business of the client as well. In some words, the planer needs to be logical as well as emotional. For the client you need to present this desire which the consumer has not as a business speak but as a good old story. You need to  convey him on why a certain communication will work with the consumer and in which tone and manner.

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