Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The True... story. (A real work of Fiction)

It was not a Friday. But it had a weekend feel. Probably the holiday the next day had its effect.

As the evening tea was sipped by him, and as the sun set over the glass panes, he remembered the last time he had such ample time and that too at such leisure.

It was a time when she became a  part of his life. And it was on a evening like this that he had found out (again) where she lived.

He had her address and her phone number. But he lost it and on that evening he had promised he would meet her. But promises cant be met if you lose communication.

As he stood near the place her house was located, he wondered how will he find her place.

Then it stuck him.

He went to the local chemist and asked him if he knew a girl who would say "True"

She had a particular way of saying it and he was sure that any person who had heard her say it would remember her for that.

But the man said no.

Then he asked the Grocery store owner. Again there was no breakway.

But as he inquired the third local store, the man there knew exactly the girl who said "true".

Thus he found the place. And this is the "True" story. 

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