Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Out of my comfort Zone

Getting to know more about Dr. Prakash and Dr. Mandakini Amte and their work made me realize that there are many problem areas where efforts are need but we are clearly neglecting this need as we are so detached from the realities of India. We, I, fail to see the poor and depreciating state of affairs in rural India as most of us are far from these troubles, in our own shells.

They inspired me to look beyond my comfort zone and really think about how I can help my society, my country in a better way. 80% of my country lives in rural India but our attention is perpetually fixated on the minority in the urban. I have always wanted to do my part and help my country progress but I now realize that progress cannot be directed from the cities alone but needs to take place at the hub of our country and one needs to go down to the roots, our roots, to make an actual difference.

This is how their story affected me and I will do my very best to remember this and work toward helping build a better India.

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