Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dada- the poem

He was our national animal.
With his bengali origin and northern grace.

He pawed his way and he became a symbol of brave & loyal.
But then they ungraded from spears and arrows to guns.

Its hard to keep up with technology and naturally dada struggled
And they killed him with no remorse.

Sometimes for business, sometimes for fun.
Even his southern brothers suffered the same Fate.

Now dada is only in hundreds.
And maybe dada will get extinct.

But is he does
I will still remember the grace the strength and loyalty.
Dada had it all.
But you can't compete with technology and greed.

Now they try to save him.
The same ****ers

I hope dada lives
But would they let him.

1 comment:

ninad said...

There are only 1400 tigers left. Please do something.