Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

I wondered today if Atheism was right. If really no God existed and as Sachin looked up at heavens once again after his 51st test century.Was it a wasteful execution of emotions.

It feels like that sometimes though when you work for something and in the end the result seems out  of place or wrong. Then what do you do. Do you believe that there is a God and he will watch over you or would you go about life as if its an cosmic accident. That allof us live with no purpose.

Faith is a choice. Faith has helped humans from the start. But it has also discriminated, killed or spread hatred.

So there are times in ones life when things seem wrong and one wonders if God exists, why does he behave so unconcerned. Thus as things crash around you, you tend to think 
what's wrong with you?
 Why is it that people /situations tend to hurt you while they favour others? 
Why does the present seem so bad?

When such questions start to spread remember that what happened till now is done. It can not be changed. Its past. Treat it like a story. A fiction story. Write it down and read to yourself 4 to 5 times till you get bored of it. Then think of the future you want to have. Work backwards from that future to   have goals which you can target.

As for God. Its a matter of belief. It works wonders if you do but one can do quite well in life even without believing. So its a choice.

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