Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dance from the heart.

This one is a poem minor
 As it is a six liner

 Go and dance when you like,
 shake those hips twist those wrists,

Dance so that your spirit does not go cold

Dance from your heart cleanse your old soul, 
Dance with abandon, without any care, with out anything to learn
Your dance is your expression enjoy it, feel it and have fun.

Ganesha Says

 Ganesha says many things, 
all of them are true,
 but when will we take them to heart even he doesn't have a clue.

 Ganesha unites, he invites,
 he creates a common forum. 
He instills our creative juices as we work on his decorum. 

Ganesha sings different tunes with different frames of mind. 
But he always smiles and observes over all mankind. 

Ganesha creates, he unites he is very dear

Thank god for that  as we live in hope for Ganesha next year.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The True... story. (A real work of Fiction)

It was not a Friday. But it had a weekend feel. Probably the holiday the next day had its effect.

As the evening tea was sipped by him, and as the sun set over the glass panes, he remembered the last time he had such ample time and that too at such leisure.

It was a time when she became a  part of his life. And it was on a evening like this that he had found out (again) where she lived.

He had her address and her phone number. But he lost it and on that evening he had promised he would meet her. But promises cant be met if you lose communication.

As he stood near the place her house was located, he wondered how will he find her place.

Then it stuck him.

He went to the local chemist and asked him if he knew a girl who would say "True"

She had a particular way of saying it and he was sure that any person who had heard her say it would remember her for that.

But the man said no.

Then he asked the Grocery store owner. Again there was no breakway.

But as he inquired the third local store, the man there knew exactly the girl who said "true".

Thus he found the place. And this is the "True" story. 

If canteen could talk

If canteen could talk

 would it comment on the way you stare on its food with despair as you play with your strand of hair. 

Would it complain against your bad taste of joke 

or object morally to your choice of bloke

 would it snob around in disgust. As it looks around the mess you just left.

 Oh what would the canteen really do. 

Friday, September 07, 2012

Analysis of GOW part 1 and 2

 Is the bard still coming to us in new forms.

 Is wassepur Macbeth resold.

 It may not seem so but there is a good possibility that it is indeed macbeth.

 Faisal does want to kill his dad.

 He has been traumatic since childhood after he found his mom and old chacha in a compromising position.

 Instead he ends up taking revenge for his mother and that all while unwilling trough the drags of chillum.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Strategic Samosa. The basics of account planning.

The most common thing in any account planning is to talk to the consumer. But account planner has to actually talk with two set of people, one is the consumers and the other which is the client. 


To the consumer he has to find there hidden motivation and aspirations and figure out a way in a most genienue manner of improving their lives. This is not to sell the brand or arm twist the consumer to believe in the brand. You need to understand what the people want, what they need and what are there values.The concern for the consumer has to be genueine. You have to really think for them. And when you do manage to really think for them, you can connect with them better. This is a lot of hard work.


As for the client, the account planner also needs to understand him and his requirements. But while he does so he needs to understand the business of the client as well. In some words, the planer needs to be logical as well as emotional. For the client you need to present this desire which the consumer has not as a business speak but as a good old story. You need to  convey him on why a certain communication will work with the consumer and in which tone and manner.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

On the beaches of Calungate - The mafia tale - part 2

Part 1

Mean while on the other side of Goa, Rashida a social worker was having her afternoon tea. She had a tough life, with a bad childhood, troubled marriages and was currently pregnant with a child from her third husband. She already was a mother to 2 daughters.

She seemed to be always in some sort of trouble. Many of her troubles were to the fact that she had the money, but she knew that without the money she could not have lasted as an independent women. Her money was due to the farm lands her had inherited.

In her social work though, she was powerful, she helped the homeless, drug addicts and provided almost any support to the needy. She was the nerve of the deprived in Vasco and she lived to that expectation quite well.

Meanwhile advocate Russell Venkat was just leaving his office for a court session in Panaji. It was a stormy case but his strategy was to just delay the procedings until the public opinion cooled off. Afterall the common men had their lives to live.

He manged to stall todays procedings citing that the investigative report was still not ready.
His clients were tourists from Ivory Union. Even though his clients were tourists and stayed in Goa for 4-6 months, they were the Kings and Queens of Goa. They were infact the mafia who ran prostitution rackets, theft, narcotics, land grabbing and even extremes like child sexual abuse.

Venkat though defended his clients as though they were innocent. No one could ever prove that these tourists did all these things. But it was a open secret in Goa.

But today with a closed room meeting, the open secret was about to become a dirty international affair.

By Ninad Tatke.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Creative Samosa : How to eat the cake and have it too.

It was the best of time and yet it was the worst of time. The best of time because so much is available at the finger tips. The worst because, you have no time.

Hence presenting a few tips on having both the opportunity and doing best with it.

(Note the points are written with a male point of view)

  1. Treat every opportunity you get as a Girl. Your  chances then to make time for it will increase.
  2. Ultimately only one person is responsible for the choices you take, and the above mentioned girl isnt that person. Its you. If you do really badly want to do it. You will go ahead and do it.
  3. In case you fall short of what you expect from yourself, dont give up. Everyday is a new day. Go ahead and work on your goal until you get it.
  4. If you choose that you have that Girl (opportunity), then you need to create a support system for getting to your goal, this support system can be friends, family, acquitances. Make sure that you are accountable. At the same time, they can support you incase you fall. Then you jump in the water. (Swimming basics).
  5. Create small goals and go on achieving them with the big goal in mind.
  6. Celebrate the small victories, and adapt yourself to get bigger ones.