Saturday, February 05, 2011

The Mehula - hula times - Natraj Conspires

It does matter that I got hit on the head

It was long before I could go to bed, it was long before I could be dead

But I did dance instead

And what a strange ironic hand destiny played.

The Natraj came to be and said -

" Cheer up old sport, why so tense.

Follow your heart and it would lead you to sense."

And when your mind is clear

that  you leave it to chance

Thats when you can bring out

The heart felt dance

The technique was mediocre

The Footwork minimal

And still the grace and joy

Made the heart flutter, made the heart enjoy.

Made the life a little easy

Eased the dimensions and added joy

And in all this all I had to do

Was to let go

And let the dance  take me

to new paradigms ready to explore

I just followed what inspired be from within

The Natraj or something conspired for me to begin

And as I ended, it felt that the balance was tilted

And the head spins a little less and the body spins more instead.


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