Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fear- In the eyes.

It was a dark night and as he took her along the shadows lengthening and silence haunting road, a voice of reason told him to go back. But hell she was not scared, so why was he.

The road which he took was not the usual one. Why did he take it. Well she asked him to and he could not say no. He was her guy after all and now perhaps it was time to behave like one.

The path was narrow and the view of the valley was stunning. The lights from the city below looked like a a necklace. He felt as someone was following them.The trees and their shadows created illusions. But this gut feeling was no illusion. Someone else was there.
The breeze disturbed the silence as it whistled through the woods. His fingers felt shaky but the chill was in his throat. Who is watching us.

And while this was going in his mind. She was having fun, she came close and whispered to him to relax and feel free. She was happy. He was not. His mind was worried about someone following them.

And then he saw a boy. He looked 4 years old but had wrinkles all across his face and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Diya look there" he said and then he heard a scream and he felt something wrong was happening.

"Hey Diya " She collapsed. And the boy had a grin on his face.

He lifted Diya, picked her up and he ran. He ran fast. He ran in panic. He was not sure if the Kid was - a kid or a ghost but he was scared for his life and Diya and as he was running climbing down the hill, he lost his balance and he blanked out.

He opened his eyes. The blood shot eyes were staring at him. No it was not the kid, it was not Diya, but a Viper and then he saw his arm and he realised that he was already bitten and the last memories he had were not memories but hallucinations. The walk, the fear, the boy, the scream and the grin were all in his head. All that was actually real was Diya running around looking for help and his slow but inevitable death.

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