Saturday, October 20, 2012

Song of Myself ... (Uncle Walt in 2012)

I know that I am no Walt Whitman but it just felt like the thing to write today.

I look at myself
And I praise the start
I am quick and sharp
and have a sense of humour

I owe by wit to some people
my strength to some
and most important are my cores
My foundation by which I live

Those are my roots.
I praise myself today

I look at the morning sun
reminds me of hope
light means strength
light means vigor

I breathe the clean air
before the city dust hits my lungs
But I love the city life
The constant run
The traffic the crowd
And finding places to hang about

But as I discover the city
I do feel insignificant
Even with a thousand gadgets
The twitters have now replaced the twitting birds
And people around me play angry birds

I form possibiities
I work on them
And then sometimes
I fail.

But I create new ones
And continue in form
I am not the one to stop and wail.

I see a constant struggle around me

struggle to earn monies
struggle to prove a point
struggle to live.

I love the kiss of wind
and the touch of light
These simple nature made blessings
do remind me how fragile the world around me really is.

I have seen people die
But death is a part of living
It has to happen, it has to happen.

I travelled a bit
In the country and outside
And the basic human emotions are  the same.
I love the fact, that I love meeting people.

The each person brings some thing new to see
Each experience is like a new para in my unfinished novel.

I am still unshakled
I am still unbounded

I am just a common man
Insignificant. Unimportant.
Worthy of no praise
Or prose.
And hence I praise Myself.

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