Saturday, October 06, 2012

If Kanti Shah had directed Hum Apke Hai Kyon.

If  Kanti Shah had directed Hum Apke Hai Kyon.
All characters in this post are made up. It is written purely for fun and has no intention to hurt anyone associated with Rajshri or Kanti Shah. 

This post is a joke and I hope people take it in that sense only.
Hum Apke Hai Kyon is an iconic movie and I have complete respect for it.


 A big industrial family. 2 brothers, 1 is an ambitious business minded older brother who naturally takes care of business. 

The other is playful, but good for nothing... and he is the hero of the movie. (maybe not...this is a heroine centric story).

The older brother agrees to an arranged marriage.
 The bride to be has a younger sister too.
 At the wedding sangeet the hero assaults the younger sister in front of the whole family.
 In return the girls molest the hero and make him wear female garments.

 In order to still calm down their temper, they also steal the grooms car which leaves the groom with out any shoes. The grooms family takes this as a personal vendetta and bids it time. 

The hero mean while woes the heroine with a intention of getting even for his insult. 
The whole family including the dog Tuffy (who looks cute but is pure evil) is in this dark plan together. Eventually they find the right time for revenge when the heroine says yes to marriage in front of her sister and hero. 

He silently puts a banana skin on the stairs. Unfortunately the elder sister slips and eventually dies in the hospital which makes the intended plan seem like a horrible plan. 

Worst while dying she points out at the hero as her murderer in front of the police. Thankfully police are easily bribed and now this family has a new nightmare. The bahu had a kid. He just cries and poops all night. No one in the family can sleep.

 So they come with new plan ...hero to wed heroine is told to heroine but instead she actually is to be married to the older brother. Due to miscommunication Tuffy ends up telling the heroine about the plan and she slaps them both, (yes slaps both the hero and the other brother)  and marries neither. The movie ends. After all isn't it named how i am related to you. Answer . I am not.

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