Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sach ka Panchanama

India has got an constitution. Thankful for rights and duties. I am thankful for it and yet I am diplomatic in expressing my freedom of speech. I guess history shows patterns of this, when educated intellect can not opinate freely,  sadly this is increasing in our country. while its great to glorify the underdog story or to critize the corrupt is it what we as Indians are supposed to be doing.   india needs leaders and by leaders i dont mean politicians but leaders who will create growth in domains they select and lead to category growth and not just individual growth which is important too . What we require is a few people who have integrity to take causes. we need people to take a stand on issues which bother them. One person may not change the system but he can and should intend to do. So even though We as a group still be the way we are, Its makes hell of a difference if Intellectuals decide to get down and dirty. I  will find my cause for my  leadership commitment. I will create a world which would be better than when I received it.   

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