Friday, February 20, 2009

A short I come

He was in trouble and he knew it. He just waited paitently to be caught but he just stood there and nothing happened. He thought that lets turn around and see whats going on ...why is he not been approched as yet. But he thought its better not to glance back as he may have the eyecontact with the crow. Rather the black crow.

He glanced out of the window and saw that the train was slowing down. Yes if only I could jump out, - jump out when the station comes and run away. And he did jump out only the platform was not there.
He lay there still bones broken breathing in pain and exhaling blood and the black crow came with two three other men and they lifted him. They went to the same platform which he had missed (while he was jumoing off the train ) and they kept him outside a room as they went in and discussed for God knows months, years or something like that . This was what he felt as the pain was bad. It was like thousands of knives pearcing at the same moment.

Finally he lost it and went to sleep. He saw light. "Heaven yes here I come" , he said and as he woke up he saw that he was in a hopital and he knew his misfortune that he was still alive. Alive with a couple of dozen of broken bones.

Finally the Black Crow spoke," I am the TC ticket collector in your compartment. When you jumped out to avoid me you feel in the gap in the platform which was not repaired for last 10 years and thanks to your stupidity or rather I should call it bravery it got repaired yesterday. Hence I have decided not to file charges against you for ticketless travelling and the media has rather made you a hero for your act of bravery."

Indeed what a brave act of courage and defience.

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