Friday, May 30, 2014

4 things - From Strategic samosa to diet strategy

Its on 4 things in strategy, so lets get on with it.

1. Arculate a clear vision to all your stake holders, both internal and external.

2. Inspiring people is a day to day job. Walk the talk every since day.

3. Identify your battles and deploy best resources to your problematic areas

4. Use symbolism and storytelling effective.          

Images are owned by Ninad Tatke.                                                  

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Strategic Samosa : Truth is out there.

The image is owned by Ninad Tatke.  

     X files haunts with its music. And then generates curiosity by its tagline,"truth is out there".  We know that it is a work of fiction but if it were a tagline for any strategist now, what would be his line of action.

What would be his thoughts.

1.understand your consumer
2. Identify their problems and aspirations on life.
3. Create a opportunity to win win.
What can help brand as well as consumer.

What things will he look for.

1. A larger segment within the target consumer base to whom he can target.
2. Some regional or cultural or behaviorial trait which can be useful in his marketing pitch.
3. If anything can be retained from the existing campaign or communicatuon. While new is good, continuity  brings goodwill and credibility to any communication.

What will he ignore.

1.He will ignore the obvious suggestions which are easy to understand but hurt the project with upsetting its ROI.

2.He will ignore all the cant be done views atleast in the intial stage.

3. He will ignore pre set methods or rituals in marketing.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ek number

Its a fixed match. You know that the team is going to qualify in 14.3 /14.4 overs. It is not a contest its drama. Staged, scripted and perhaps even rehearsed. But enough of my debut movie called Awaal number staring me, directed by me and .... what this post is about is a dream every funny guy worth his salt dreams of. THAT DREAM MY FRIEND IS BEING HILARIOUS THROUGH OUT THE ACT. I realize here that I am screaming, but now that I have got your attention. Lets get down to business.      Sorry for the non relevant jibe at the recently concluded match/roadshow/gipsy sale / play between Mumbai Indians and Rajastan Royals.
 So you really want to be no 1 funny. Alright.                                                       Step 1. Pick a scrapegoat. It can be your father mother Government wife God or anybody else. Just mention how they react to situations. It earns laughs no matter how many times it has happened before.                                    Step 2. Have your stock character ready. A stand up without one is as good as one without mike.                           Step 3. Play on the personifications.       Step 4. Keep on working on new material. Polish it . Edit it.                           Step 5. Learn from others. Copying is no shame if you add your own additions to the bit.                    
Step 6.     Incase nothing is working. Quit. The worse joke you can crack is being a desparate fart up there on the stage.   So folks here were a few ek number tips for being funny. The views mentioned are a work of fiction by the author. Any attempt to find any moral or guidance from this post will be strictly frowed upon.               

strategic samosa. research as it is.move foward

A few years ago, paper was unreplacable. From documents to currency to questionaires. Paper was all we required. In the last few years though we have moved away from this monster and got into a new one. Yup thats right my friend. We are now paperless but not effortless.                         You see we are now in a digital age where many things including this post has beeb directly typed into the medium. While this leads to instant communication, it also leads to no scope for editing.                                                      But the question my friend is why does research require editing. Well for starters imagine you are in a traffic driving behind a truck in a bumper to bumper situation. Most Brand Managers are driving their brand in virtually the same way. Sometimes you get irritated driving so. But what are you going to do. The task any research should do is to define a problem. And look for its solution as a part of its objective. This might not be the actual objective but it is implied.                           In the road scenario, when a vehicle suddenly joins the traffic it gets space to manuveur its vehicle because of the distance it has from rest of the traffic and it can actually overtake the problematic truck and move ahead freely on an open road. So its imperative to keep defining and redefining your problem or objective in middle of your project. If the brief says that the objective is to stay in the lane we would het stuck and will never move forward. The goal is to move forward no matter what is the process.

The kid The movie review 2000.

It starts off on a very absurd note. How can a kid be responsible for a adult to make life alternative choice.   The movie stars Bruce Willis as a image consultant and a eight year kid whok strangely enough is a version of himself. So Rusty 40 year old meets Rusty the eight year old and they help each other discover what they should  be doing.                                                         The kid makes him realize what he forgotten over the years which is to be happy. Its not about money, the dog, the girl friend or being a pilot. At the end of the day its all about happiness. Despite being annoying , the kid reaches out to Rusty and helps him with his own make over.        

The kid The movie review 2000.

It starts off on a very absurd note. How can a kid be responsible for a adult to make life alternative choice.   The movie stars Bruce Willis as a image consultant and a eight year kid whok strangely enough is a version of himself. So Rusty 40 year old meets Rusty the eight year old and they help each other discover what they should  be doing.                                                         The kid makes him realize what he forgotten over the years which is to be happy. Its not about money, the dog, the girl friend or being a pilot. At the end of the day its all about happiness. Despite being annoying , the kid reaches out to Rusty and helps him with his own make over.