Friday, November 09, 2012

State Transport Bus.

The red box or lal dabba. 

 2012 suddenly I found that interactive medium is more appreciated and hence I am having this dialogue with you.

I cant recall my first journey or who traveled in me at that time, it was 1980s.

I have done my job so far silently. 
I traveled in many places across Maharashtra  I have met people. Some people were silent and some talked a lot. I have seen richness in poverty and experienced storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes.

 But the most horrible thing I feel I have seen is human plight.

 Plight which comes out of helplessness.  Its not that I have always lead a very happy life. My organs or engine part have been replaced multiple times so far and I do get bodily injuries many times but I consider that if you travel so much, you are bound to get hurt.  So I was speaking of human plight. I feel each person has some sort of higher calling which most often or not does not materialize.  I sense the frustration around me. Its okay to be helpless but in my years as a bus one aspect has always worked for me and that aspect is hope. Things don't change for the better until we change ourselves for it. I have changed. I am no longer a fuel optimized version with a good pickup but now I am an expert in climbing ghats or manuring through traffic. This is all due to my ability to learn and adapt. I wont tell you how to live life. You are the human. I am just a ST bus.

 But I can share my experiences with you. I hope ...

Its your stop I see. Go ahead. Get down now. Take care. Good bye. Hey don't think of me okay. I am just a ST bus.

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