Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saamna - Anna . The week (link) that was.

I have an opinion on the Anna Hazare strike. I have not read the Lokpal Bill in both its versions. I have not followed every minute detail from both sides and yet I have an opinion.

Let me take you through  a movie review first. Yes movie review. It is critical to this opinion. I feel like Robert Langdon unfolding the grail story ... but back to the review.

Saamna . A Marathi Movie, Directed by Jabbaar Patel  Scripted by Vijay Tendulkar.

A corrupt Politician is running a successful sugar lobby. Everyone benefits to some extend in the region with this lobby but the politician is getting richer, more corrupt and powerful. He even manages to get rid of his only opposition - a ex army man named Maruti Patil who apparently disappears.

Enters in this story now a frustrated Gandhian - a drunk old man. Man who is given refuge by this Sugar King and he learns all about the practices of the Sugar King by being very close to him. Still he is not loyal. He steals, he drinks and still the sugar king pardons him. He asks the sugar king one day. What are the things a person eats? What are forms of human hunger?

The Sugar King replies that although a human being really require food they are also hungry for money, power, land, and various other things.

Then this old Gandian man asks - what are you hungry about?

No answer.

However the Sugar King tolarates this and many more such intense conversatitions. One fine day though, that old man asks about Maruti Patil.

The Sugar King offers 10 lakh rupees to the old man (in 1975 when Gabbar was worth Rs. 50000) to keep mum.

But this man neither accepts money or keeps mum and goes to an adjacent village and starts a fast until death until the Maruti Kamble case is solved.

All hell breaks lose and the Sugar King is under tremendous pressure. Normally the common people were happy with things as they were but not anymore.

Finally with a lot of courage this Sugar King keeps a live press exchange and he wins the debate. He exposes the old man and also points out various things which he (sugar king) did for people over the years - (with self interest of course). He wins as people are not ready for a change

The old man loses and contemplates suicide. The Sugar King stops him and tells him to follow the legal course.


Now right now Anna Hazare must/might be genuine person with good intentions. But are we ready to end corruption. What about a clear line of communication from the Hazare group to rest of the country.

Till the people are ready or at-least communicated the advantages of such a moment well, it is bound to fail. Last I heard a certain politician from sugar lobby is now going to strategize for the government on this issue!

By Ninad Tatke

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