Monday, August 15, 2011

Freedom at 3.45 - A short story

Neha was a new intern in an Marketing firm. She had to research about prospective clients, prepare excel sheets on targets and presentations for prospects. This was when she had work . Otherwise her day was spent in exploring the treasures of wikipedia, facebook and vigilidiot. She lived in Kurla and her daily travel to Colaba seemed like a adventure. At 19 she was the youngest in her extended joint family and the daily grind of Mumbai local was actually liberating considering the restrictive and orthodox community she lived in.

Neha loved the empty rake of Kurla Cst local as she could sing songs while hanging at the door with cool wind comforting her in the always sweaty Mumbai. The CST to Colaba distance she walked.

Today however was a sunday and she had no reason to be at Colaba. But yet she was there and today unlike other days she was roaming around like a tourist. The Gateway of India with its roman years and message of welcome for King George V always intrigued her. It was interesting fact for her that none of the Kings or Queens of the empire actually visited the empire. She walked pass the Delhi Darbar and soon reached the junction near Jahangir Art Gallery. Today was a special exhibition there. The art of contrast was on display. Blues with Yellows. Greens with Oranges. After having a look around she changed her direction and started walking towards the fountain.

The old buildings of Elphistone, Imperial guard and Oriental looked at her curiously as she looked at them. At around 3.40 she reached fountain.

The area is usually empty at this time on a holiday. It was empty today.

And it was then in that lonely place, that she burst out and was in tears. She had told no one but she had failed in half her subjects in college and she was scared to tell the truth at home. Infact the whole day today was her attempt to escape from reality. As she sobbed she felt much better as if things were turning better. At 3.44 a single book selling hawker tried to sell his ware on a completely off day.

Neha noticing him and a couple of taxis plying by, controlled her outburst and then for some weird reason glanced at a book - Thousand famous quotes.

She opened a random page and it read - " There are times when you will feel helpless in face of a distress. Remember then that truth and good intentions will triumph in a long run over any tyrant and calamity".

Neha knew what was to be done then. She called up home and spoke to her father. She told him the truth.  It was difficult but she was free mentally now.  She had no fear now.

By Ninad Tatke.

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