Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Icons - some pointers- Based on a HBR case study on Icons by Douglas Holt

(Based on a case study on Icons by Douglas Holt)
  • Iconic brands win because they build a deep connection with culture.
  • The Strategic focus is on what a brand stands for, and not how the brand performs.
  • Through Brands people get to experience powerful myths
  • Myths are required as they ideals to live by and work to resolve some of the most difficult questions in life.
  • Icons are condensed myths
  • They are powerful as they deliver myths to us in a tangible form, and thus they are assessable.
  • Icons are not just brands, they can be people too.
  • When Icons create a myth, consumers come to perceive the myth as embodied in the product. So when they consume it, they forge a relationship with the brand.

  • In Brief a Brand becomes Icon when it does 5 things.
  1. They talk to intense anxities and desires. (They do speak to mass audience). 
  2. They redefine and create new culture . They just do not follow the existing culture. ie. Pepsi - Youngistan.
  3. Iconic brands rebel - they speak in rebels voice- ie. Apple
  4. If the brand myth bursts, the brand uses the same line of logic/thinking to rebuild a new relevant myth in a convincing way. It does not have a stick to one single myth. ie. Reliance, Tata
  5. Notice new contradictions in the culture and align with the brands line of thinking/logic. In short icon has to have its pulse with changing culture. ie. Old Spice.

1 comment:

Discover Marcom said...

ICON - Individuality, Courage, Originality(creativity) & Nicheness - this is what I believe the prerequisites a brand should have to grow itself into an iconic brand.