Monday, July 05, 2010

What it is to be brand.

You are a brand. You have physical presence. You can be touched, feel, sensed, loved, hated. You might feel that these features make you a product but these are the same things which make you a brand.

What was the first thing you said today when you looked in mirror. How did you present yourself to the world. What are your values and things you are willing or not willing to do with no apparent benefit.

Ninad believes that as a 'person' that his word creates the world and hence he tries to fulfill what he commits. That's part of Ninad as a brand. But there are also other aspects of the same. Ninad as a brand can be resting on his past laurels and not innovating, Ninad might not be marketing himself well or the investments in terms of intelligence, time, money are not in tune with current demands or future needs.

Thus the image anybody might have about Ninad depends upon where he stands currently or what he is doing to protect his perception. Brands create goodwill over the years but only a few seconds can disrepute a brand.

So what are the measures for brand Ninad to see to it that his branding efforts are not lost.

a)branding is a continuous process and it has to be genuine.
b) branding is about unique values /services which can delivered consistently
c) branding is about creating experiences and not just serving what was asked for or was implied.

Ninad as a brand has to strike a balance between all these elements and create his image which people believe and rely upon.

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