Friday, October 30, 2009

Self made Man...

I always thought that a man could be independent, self made and could have the freedom to create what he wants to create. But this belief was shattered today.

It was a unusual day, I had slept at 3 in the night and struggled to get up at 8. After a hurried breakfast, I drove down to Kapurbavadi and caught a ST bus. After getting my place to stand (getting to sit in a ST bus is based on luck or the fact that you got there first) I tried to keep my balance as the bus rode away in amazing speed which would have made even F1 drivers proud. He took sharp turns left, right left... straight road... sharp turns left, right, left.

It was 9 am when I had caught the bus in Thane. Technically I had a reporting time at 9.30 in Goregoan. It was impossible to reach on time and I had resigned to the fact that I was going to be late- very late.

I have no illusions about me being any thing special. I know that I am an ordinary man. I have committed sins too. So I am not a holy pure man either. But I always tried to be a fair man in life always trying for greater good and hence when the driver was speeding on the road I cheered him on to drive the way he was driving. I hoped his driving would result me being late by lesser time. And he did, he dropped me to Borivali Station at 9.30 flat.
I was so glad that I did not even bother to ask the conductor back my Rs2.(He had collected Rs. 20 from me for a Rs.18 fare and both of us did not have change then).
I had a train to catch then... to Goregoan

But my point behind this whole story is this.
  • We are so dependent on so many people around us. Some of us do white collar jobs. (Hey I am wearing a white shirt today) some do the blue collar jobs ( The ST driver / ST Conductor).
  • No job is small. Work deserves respect. I reached office in good time because the ST bus guys did their job well. I guess they were on time in the morning.
  • Even if someone does not travel by ST (hypothetically) let us just say that he drives. He will find out that the proper functioning of his life depends upon how others work around him. Hence he can not be independent, self made and have the freedom to create what he wants to create unless people support him. Man truly is a social animal.

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