Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises - Reasons to not watch it - (Grapes are sour)

The Dark Knight Rises - Reasons to not watch it.

  1. Because you liked the movie Dark Knight so much that, you  think watching this will ruin it for you.
  2. Because you were a lazy bum who wasted his/her  weekend 
  3. Because you already know the climax . This one is good!
  4. Month end. Lets see the movie in the first week.
  5. You did not see Inception till it was finally out on DVD and you want to continue this fine tradition.
  6. You think 4 stars in Times of India is actually just two after all even Ready (Salman Khan one) gets fours stars.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Strategic Samosa : Client Servicing Basics.

Note: The Contents of this post belong to the author. Which in this case is not me. But they are so good, that I am sharing this in this. Thanks Rajesh for sharing this.

Client Servicing is all about

Business Orientation

Relationship Orientation

Idea Orientation

Solution Orientation

and Knowledge Orientation.
Business Orientation

How will I increase it.

How can I bring in more business.

Is my communication giving results for the client

You need to understand what the client does.
 You need to understand the clients problem.


Respect & Love
Clients & Internal
Respect yourself
The person at the other end of the table
Talk to the people and not designations
Be polite at all times
Irrespective of the circumstances
Be true to your word
Apologize when you are not
If it is confidential, keep it that way.
Speak your mind
Say no when you have to
Say yes when you can
Value your clients inputs
The idea is to create great work together with your clients
Give a little
Don’t be afraid
Most relationships are built on generosity

Be on time
Look like someone can Trust you with their money
Respond to phone calls emails and messages.
Check it well. Look for the blind spot.
If there is anything wrong with it, don’t send it.
Minutes Emails Estimates
Keep it short. Keep it clear.
Get the Grammer Right.
Make sure the essentials are down on the paper.
Get names and designations right.
Idea Orientation
Connect the dots
In all aspects
Have an Idea. Share it.
Then have another one. And another one
Write Briefs
Its makes a difference
On every Job
Do Brief
Take a stand
Use all the passion you have and sell great ideas
Nobody knows what is in your head.
Its what you say and how you say it that counts.
A great idea is better than a good idea.
A great execution is better than a good execution.
Champion the great Vs Good.
This is the business you are in.
If you cant sell the idea, you cant sell the product.
Write to persuade. Speak to persuade. Present to persuade.
Space for thought. Ask for it.
Space for execution. Ask again and again.
Demonstrate the difference  space makes.
Create / sell/ Deliver.
Solution Orientation
Confidence of entrusting problems
Think beyond
Have a point of view
On the exact nature of the business problem
And on the most effective communication solutions
Be clear what needs to be done
Nobody wants to be your boss.
Everyone loves people “ in control”
Know your limitations
Knowledge orientation
Media Ignography
You need to understand cultural references
Ask. Seek. Look. See. Touch.
Feel discover and experience
Only questions can lead to answers

Thursday, July 05, 2012

When less is more.

Image : Is from the internet. Do not have any rights for the same.

Possibility is a wonderful word. As Oscar Pistorious runs, he symbolizes what hard word potential and a leap of faith can achieve. All this requires money of course, but it requires something more. It requires a attitude of making the best of what you have.

What I call as to less is more. We are so negative in our approach that we don't realize as to how many possibilities we miss. Let us be humble but thirsty for glory. Lets be inspired, lets do more. 

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blink -

Book Review: What I learnt in Blink.

We think out in stress situations and take decisions quickly, we use out instinct, our gut feeling and that takes care of multiple of situations and creates opportunities for us to expand our decision making in the right direction. We have no logic for it. No explanation for it. But we just know it.  And we are correct in our instincts.

But we can go wrong. We can fall for our biases. So while we take care of decisions biases are to be watched.

You take Blink decisions when you have too much information. Too much critical inputs coming in. You need experience for this. You need practice for this and you need teamwork for this.

You take normal thought out decisions when you have a single judgement to make. You think it over and weigh the pros and cons.

Sounds contradictory. But it does work.