Friday, June 03, 2011


By Ninad Tatke

In the movie  bicentennial man, Robbin Williams (a robot) says that he wants to be a man beacuse he wants to experience freedom.

This word has intrigued me, lately quite a lot - what exactly is freedom.

I have utilised/wasted a few years learning history where I memorized dates, events and leaders who lead freedom movements and though I sort of understood why freedom was important, it never dawned on me completely.

Why did 300 spartans took on an endless persian army. (It made a cool movie - but its a true incident!)

Why did Neo fight with the Matrix!

Why did Rosa Parks not move to the back of the bus -

Why brothers refuse to eat in the kitchen.

Why did the French, American or Indian revolution take place.

Why countless revolutions took place and will keep taking place.

Freedom is not a state with no rules and restrictions where you are not under any authority. Freedom is a opportunity to create a certain set of rules and restrictions which help you and your community to be your best.

What I realised right now is - Freedom to be your best means nothing unless you are willing to do your best.

Every country or a individual who has earned his /her freedom from other authority have turned out great when they were willing to go that extra mile. With out the will, even freedom - the greatest of the motivators for mankind will fail.

So in case one has just become free- what are the steps one should take to enjoy it to the fullest.

  • Freedom comes with a baggage of self discovery and development which is socially beneficial 
  • Freedom means you do work hard for better but with your own style. It does not mean you stop working.
  • Freedom means being creative, encouraging and nurturing new concepts, arts and technologies. Freedom works better when you have moral base and adaptive approach. - Take what is good and add to what is already good.
  • Freedom is being answerable to yourself and each time you should be able to say that you added something better. 
Lastly freedom is sort of like a link thing. You have to create freedom for others as you enjoy yours. It leads to goodwill and ensures that you have support systems in place.

By Ninad Tatke

1 comment:

Averee said...

freedom is basically all about the degree of elasticity. one should use or abuse with consideration of the conflict between macro and micro.