Sunday, February 21, 2010

What is the take away for Hanuman in Ramayan?

It was evening when my friends started a very interesting conversation with me about take aways / profit for various characters in Indian mythological epics. Obviously every character in Mahabharat has a take away expect for Bhisma and every character from Ramayan has a take away except for Hanuman. And look at the parallels. Both had central roles to play in the story line. Both of them had to remain bachelors (one because of a vow, the other one because of a choice) . Both were long lasting ( one could control his death and the other is believed to be immortal). Both were men of words, (never made a vow which they broke). And yet on the face value of it they had no take away.  They are sort of Snape in their appearance (the tragic hero who never gets his due in Harry Potter).

But they have take aways. May be the sort of take aways, we materialistic people do not even comprehend. So we are not concerned. A Hanuman or Bhisma may be a misfit in today's corporate world but their take away was Spiritual enlightenment through either Bhakti route (devotion) or Karma route (work dedication). I guess we have to take away the blinkers to see the take aways of some dedicated people. 

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