Saturday, March 29, 2008

mee vandan karto Vandana la vachwa ( I humbly request to save Vandana).

It was inspiring to see a small girl Vandana being rescued from the well. (Fifth or sixth child to fall in well and rescued in our country. )
But what is unspiring (other than hundreds of other tube well in our country where children can fall and need to be resued) - is the fact that media makes a big showdown coerage of it. Well its's raw emotion on the cards and it sells. But do not do a tamasha of it. Deal with it. cover it but don't make it breaking news for 2 days and then wait for the next kid to fall in well. Instead go cover the root cause of this.

What is a root cause for this. Water. Hundreds of water wells are open because we are running short of it. Try solving it or make that a reality show if you have the guts.

Until then, lets wait for people to fall in well and then hopefully being resued

Mumbai watch 4

We care for caring people.
So much is happening in Mumbai. The heat is on. Not just temperature wise, its the end of financial year and businesses are going all out to ensure their year ends with a bang. This is especially true for travel companies, stock market, banking insurance etc. But I want to end this financial year on a very different note. What is the most crucial element which keeps the people happy! Is it to be content with what you have or is it to aquire something you don't or achieve? Unanswerable perhaps but not so in reality.
I believe now that what makes people happy is if other people care for them and recognize them. And then they respond back. Our happiness is so external that we are concious of the opinion of our friends, family, groups, organization and the society by large. We are happy only when they are happy with us. But let me tell you that this is the biggest lie ever told to you.
Indeed we are a social being who cares for others opinion but the fact is happiness lies in the heart. You just have to let yourself loose and generate the possibility of being happy and then go achieve it.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mumbai watch 4

Sunday 23rd March 2008
Met people from the landmark course today and I joked about, laughed and it felt great to be back in the group. I cared about what mattered to them and so they did too.
I heard the letter joke- (Thanks Addi- I will remember it for rest of the life.) And I sparse you all from the joke by not tying it down in this blog. If you really want to know - request me or Addi and we will make sure that your relationship with a joke is not the same any more. Besides we also said goodbye to people going back home.
I felt a new possibility generating in my life and I would participate in it fully.

Spoke with few other friends. Had a decent day. But now I want to have extraordinary ones.
It is not that I don't have problems anymore, infact they are bigger and larger and hopefully they are worthy of this life.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mumbai watch 3

I have noticed that I have not got any response till now. I do not blame you. I am writing all about me.


11th september 2001.
The images flashed in a instance and the second plane entered the building. It looked like a Hollywood movie but tragicly it was not. I felt helpless.

11th July 2006.
People died . People got injured and all I felt was a empty void knowing that I could have been in there too.

16th March 2008
I realized that helplessness that I felt exists in the domain of language. I feel empowered now to do something. I need support, lots of it . But something magican has happened now. I know, that I am responsible and I will make a difference.

22nd March 2008

Yes I did make a difference. Hold on.(I am not superman) I did not save the world and all right now but I am working towards it and just documenting this on blog is a step.

Your comments are not just welcome: they are needed.

22nd March 2008

Again the date is the same, and I have decided that I will bring back the group. Those who are reading this and don't know what this group I am talking about is (if you are in it you will come to know) those how get it(good for you). And those how are not reading this (you also won't be reading this explaination in brackets).