Saturday, July 27, 2013

People Watch -Part 1 - Tati as I recall.

Once upon a time a very long while ago there was a atirekki, (a terrorist), while most I heard of are adults this one was a child. He was a bully and his target was me... It took its toll on me and it will be hard not be prejudiced towards a person like him. May be for life.

 But then life gives you lemons and serves you a lemon cake.

This post and the posts which will follow are about some wonderful charismatic powerful people who in their own way make life better for  people around them. They have positively in them which enriches people around them. They are my peers my elders my young friends. 

So lets begin.

Tatianu  at first he met us and all he knew was - " My name is Tatianu, and  I don't know English".

 And as an awkward pause began he smiled. He had a very natural smile. That along with his currly hair made him stand out. Ofcourse he was white skinned which did make him stand out anyways. Tatianu did learn English but he also was able to make any person feel comfortable as he mastered the art of connecting with gestures and a smile. 

He was a Brazilian. Being enthusiastic was natural to him. I remember the day after Brazil lost to France 3 0 in the 1998 soccer world cup final. The match itself was interesting as i watched with a Brazilian and French next to me, both my friends and both watching the match in India and expecting me to support their team. In the end it was joy for Patrick my French friend but sorrow for Tatianu. He cried. But the next morning he was very cheerful as if Brazil had won the game. For Tatianu lived with emotion but was balanced.  Brazil might have lost the game but Tati as we called him won hearts. Its been 15 years and yet he matters to me and the people he enthused. Hence I begin this series with Tati.

Tati could behave as he liked at times and yet he made you smile while doing so. Once I remember him getting up in the morning and getting ready in 10 mins to go out. Naturally I asked him, "Tati you had bath?"



"Last night."

The conviction which he said last night was as if he had a bath just now.

His presence made the person feel good about themselves and the world and for me I feel Tati makes a difference in this world.  

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