Saturday, July 25, 2009

Vahini AJI

My relative is dead. I feel sad as when I met her last on May 21 2009 I had not expected that to be our last meeting. I knew her and yet did not know her at all. For starters I did not know her real name. I always called her Vahini Aji. She was a smart lady who was a great manager in her own created domain. I have seen her with her skills where she would motivate people or talk to them in such a manner that the work always was done. She knew many things and was a good observer.

She was old. She was forgetting people recently and I heard that she died a peaceful death. I can not say goodbye but in my heart I am already saying that.

My respect to you Vahini Aji.


On the travelled path with a wounded heart - A verse

On the travelled path ...with a wounded heart
We travel alone miles apart

When it was time to start
An unheard chart
With half eaten tart
We depart

On the travelled path ...with a wounded heart
We travel alone miles apart

July 24/ 25

Its July 25th . Its 4.40 in the morning. And I have had no sleep tonight. 

Physically I am tired. I have danced for 2 nights at two parties. It was fun but now I am awake. Its time to do things and the battery should be recharged according to it.

I have attended lectures, submitted assignments and also played various sports recently. I played sports like basketball, badminton, swimming, table tennis etc.

But at the end of the day the joy is in things which you love most. Oh Boy, I do miss playing Tennis.

Things are about to get tough as the battle lines are being drawn. I will do my best. I will do my best.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

39 days - Pune watch 1

Its been a while that I have moved to a hill top near Pune called Symbiosis Knowledge Village. Its been a learning experience with emotional roller coaster. I feel very happy at times and other times I feel drained.

But overall the city is fine. And the time I spent was okay.

Will write on it in detail soon.