Sunday, October 21, 2007

Strategic Samosa - Watch out what you eat. Management - 4 things to do.

0.  Take action - You will find the way as you do.

1. "Either you do it or you dont, there is no try". Yoda

. 2. Do what you want others to do.

3. Keep your word.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Demented (the poem)

Human mind has many dimensions.
The use of logic and rationality 
night. More time for insanity. 

 some of them are logical,
 some are radical
 while some are creative and then there are other dimensions.

are the virtues of the sane.
 But its way past that time 
 and its the devil which has shown itself today. 

Its a form of undesirable bliss and cunning. 
It makes me sound my horrible shout.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Every day is a new day -

 Play a life as each day makes a new turn.

test of life.

what u did in that condition.

with in a given condition. what have u delivered.

Play a life as each day makes a new turn.

Approach each moment as a opportunity.

Play a life, take the new turn

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Understanding and agreeing.

Understand the rejection.
Agree with the effort.

Understand the price of effort.
Agree with the cause.

Understand the soil behind the cause.
Agree with the mission.

understand the mission
Agree with the vision

Friday, February 09, 2007

The tale of the lost and found

There are times when the wind loses its direction and finds itself  lost.
It then has to fight its way through the branches, through light and dark

It has plenty to lose and plenty to be found.
Its the root of all the change blowing around.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007