Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stephen Hawkings.Story retold. (Poem)

Living life strongly
Living life with dignity

At 21 he had lost his body.
Yet he wasnt someone
Who would give up
He has made it through last 49 years

Through tubes pipes and wheel chair
Its a struggle of epic proportions when you consider that he survived.
But its not amazing that he lived, its amazing what he did in his life.

He is a brilliant author and a physicist.
 and he has a strange sense of humour.
Strong intellect and knowledge
But never crazy for glamour.

And  he is a people's person,
A smiling icon

Resting upon the laurels of his work is not his cup of tea

He is living his life strongly
Living life with dignity.

what power can a mind hold
What more can now unfold.

Dont know, but felt today to sing out for him

Spread his story retold.

He is 70 today

(Jan 8 actually)

Still exploring still writing theories hard to get
and still keeping it light.

He is someone who inspires me with the grace of his life.

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