Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kolaveri - to be in a soup or make something magical

Why this Kolaveri? (Kolaveri means savage fury/barbaric rage)

By now you have no clue as to what I am talking about or your mind is humming a silly tune.

The song is irritating yet you tend to latch on to it.

One way to look at this song is to regard this as a silly song but then again their is a Ninad way.

A) The song is lesson to all of us that almost anything can work in a viral. It has no grammer.

B) But ask yourself this - is this song promoting a movie, or Danish or is a cover song or nothing at all.

I assume that this is to promote the movie. My guess is not all but it will increase the footfall for the movie.

So this viral was an excellent idea.

But whats to grab from here - Any insight.

So here are insights from Kolaveri

1. They (viral makers) knew they were playing  on the perceptions of the non tamil english speaking rest of the country and thats why you have exaggerated nasal tones, lyrics and pronunciations.

2.To have fun at work. No matter how silly it seems.

3. Believe in yourself.  - The resources used in this viral are low but the belief and conviction shown in making this viral must have in great.

4. Downplay and make fun of yourself and yet be in control of the situation.

Hey these things can be used in our daily lives/work.

1. Create Tg oriented content.

2. Have fun/ healthy interactions at work.

3. Each day try to be the best person you can be. Use your brain, create and take help if needed. The resources you require to do well will follow.

4. Let others feel comfortable in approaching you and discussing you. You need to be charming but yet you need to be the one who can deliver and lead to positive solutions.

Do comment on what you feel about this blogspot or what you would like to read about next.

my email is

By Ninad Tatke

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Right under ones nose. - Mama Kane.

Mumbai Watch.

Today I ate in Mama Kane. Its an old restaurant in Dadar, its 101 years old and yet I did not know that this place existed.  Turned out to be a good place and is very conveniently located from the Dadar station.

But this blogpost is  not about food or Mama Kane. It is about how we tend to live our lives in our own little zones never realizing the landscape around us.  Even the known has some element which can be learnt, explored and worked upon.

Somethings can just be overlooked especially with the known. It requires outer perspective to find out the blindspot.
This is perhaps the reason why consultancy as a profession works.

Most businessmen/women are good at their businesses. That is why they are businessmen/women in the first place. What the consultants bring on to the table are instances- like telling you that Mama Kane exists and then showing it to you and then suggesting you the course of action.

This got be into thinking of possible ways of getting better at our business/ work and finding /searching for new Mama Kane.

I would be attempting to find a few blindspots in the next few days to help one improve their work. If you have any suggestions/topics you feel I can cover feel free to contact me on the comment section or email me on with a subject : Mama Kane.

Hope to create a series of topics for mutual growth!

I hope we create something radical.

ps. Thank you Vinayak and Harish for Mama Kane.

By Ninad Tatke.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Koleshwar's secret.

The sahayadri adventure- Koleshwars secret a book by Deepak Dayal.

**** out of 5.

a book review by Ninad Tatke.

Imagine a story full of intrigue, mix it with solid historic facts, add some logical myths. Voila you got yourself all the ingredients to a mystery/thriller novel.

What makes Koleshwar a good read is the fact that the story although a fantasy does not go overboard with to many wow/edge of the seat moments thrown in to make it exciting. What is does have is a narrative which builds up the curiosity and sustains it through out.

I wont reveal the plot.

Yes the writing can be more tight in certain areas and the end is sort of too much of a filmy and totally not worth what the rest of the book brings to the table.

The story of the book is about a bizzare dream a boy has in his coma and the events which unfold later. It travels (or makes us travel) through 1850s and 2000s and paints glorious descriptions of geographical locations of both the eras.

I would rate this book a good read and would recommend it for sure. Priced at 195 this book published by Tarini publishing is worth a casual read.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

delhi watch - the 100 year old city

As NDRS approached my mind went back to nostalgia. The trek trip, the aluparathas the Lassi the monuments. i was in delhi before. But that was long time ago. Now i was in delhi, and i saw it all over again and yet experenced it first time.  Yes the autos were still over charging and people are still... delhites but this time i saw delhi as a city of people i know.                                                                                            Its amazing how a box of bricks turns into home if you have love in a family, similarly Delhi made me feel at easy as i met some people i cherish. i cant express my joy to meet them again.                                 i travelled  to chattarapur, to noida, to cp and crp /gk 2.  saw a few places. searched like crazY, explored, felt the fog, Saw elite common divide.  i Liked the metro and cant wait for it to start in mumbai. as i parted delhi, i can safely say that this trip was a good trip.   

Friday, November 11, 2011

To clean the table.

There are men which are well known and then there are a few how are remembered. being none of these two those has its advantages.

The most important aspect of life is to live happily and that is only possible with a healthy mind.

So in a way one has to clear ones mind.

I call this clearing the table.

1. Mind collects memories and stores them on its table for future use. While memory and experience are good a good clean unbiased thought which is limit less and un obstructed can lead to wonders for any body.

2. To clean ones mind one has to let go of the negativity and say/ believe that one stands for this and will achieve the targets one sets for itself.

The clean table gives a lot of space to do constructive things and hence it should be achieved periodically.