Saturday, April 12, 2014

If Minor Characters have entire movie made on them. (Bollywood) Part 1

Ramlal - A story of a servant trapped in a cruel world. His armless master. His village full of scared people. 2 house guest - bachelors. No manners . One of them is trying to court (woo) the widowed daughter in law of his master. Movie - Sholay

The man with a Golden heart - Sees a childlish yet Genius scientist from India getting shot after he (Indian scientist) sees his future and death. Helps him live - with a cost. Then 25 years later helps his son crush the evil and win back his father, at the cost of his own life. Movie Krissh.

Zombies - are we ?

I woke up Monday morning,
 as sun rose. 

I dressed i ran to daily chores,
 i travelled far, through push, punch and strain

 and as if all this wasn't enough it also started to rain. 

It was told to me, don't be late.
 Reach they said at 8.

 I skipped breakfast, which i could have ate,
 i skipped my daily route which was set.
 As i reached the valley below full of elevator awaiting zombies .
And I too joined them as we marched 

We the zombies , brains we eat
we the zombies, we march to the beat.


L- listens Well,
 D-dreams and decisiveness,
 S-a sense of purpose,

 Humility And humor. 
I-integrity and imagination,
 Principles, And willingness to pack other peoples

One size fits None : Part 2.

link of part 1:

link of part 1.5 :

 Babu sat outside on the road that day and started playing his drums.

Tupp Tub. Tuppa tub

 "Greeting BABU" - Pujari (priest)
"Greetings" Babu
 "Pandurang will be kind" - pujari.(priest)

"What makes you say he isnt, (he) Vittal is kind, he is mauli - (mother)" spanned Babu.

"What I meant was things will improve" - Pujari

"Hmmm they will"

Tab tap tab tapp

"Why do you look so gloomy" - Pujari

"I am just tired sir, nothing wrong"

" If you need anything meet me in the evening"  Pujari


Tab tap tab tapp. He was not going to meet him in the evening. It was hopeless.

At the same time in the same moment, Ravi Sharma lost everything. He was broke. He had just lost his job. He did not know how to go home broke and jobless and hence he ran away to nowhere.

At this very moment Alka Gupta took a dip in the river Godavari. The river they said purified all sins. But was this true. Can all sins be washed away. Was it a sin in the first place.

End of part 1.5

Alka Gupta came out of the river and touched the Pujari's feet. Pujari - "Bless you"

Alka - "Thank you baba"

Pujari walked away.   Alka still lingered. She had nothing to do. Confusion had gripped her. Why did she let it happen. Why was she greedy. Did she deserve this faith.

Babu played his drum - Tapp tap tap, tapp tapp
tapp. tap . tapp, tap tap

The evening came and night followed. Babu packed for the day and started back home. His usual route was along the bank of river Godavari and he knew the route well. Today though something came in his way. An object - a person - a man. no. it was a lady.

He wondered why is she here. At this time. Why is she wet.

He enquired - "Tai, (sister) why are you here, at this hour .. are you lost?"

Alka turned and saw the man, radiating. She said she was just looking at the river and got lost in thought.

Vittal tula sukki thevo - May god keep you happiness, (keep you happy)

Thus Babu turned and went away but not to his home but at Pujaris place.

Alka Gupta's  thought - " Did my bribe actually led to that child's death. But everyone does it. Why is it that this has boomerang on me"

Babu to Pujari, "Why are people unhappy ?"

Pujari " What is happiness"

Babu " Finding joy"

Pujari " Where do people find joy"

Babu " In things, in people, in relationship"

Pujari " Can you get joy in nothing"

Babu " Ofcourse you cant"

Pujari " why is that"

Babu " Because in nothing, there is nothing to relate it to"

pujari " why is it that you find nothing right now in your Pandurang, why is it that you look so dejected, you say vittal with your toungue but I fear you are just going through the motions. You dont love the God anymore you don't have Bhakti (devotion) for him "

Babu "you mean to say I dont relate to God... that God is nothing "

Pujari  " I am just stating my obervations, I cant understand how the human mind works. so what is it that is really bothering you"

Babu   " shoes... till this evening and now a girl I met at the Ghat"

Pujari  raised his eyebrows "she is still there, she is a city girl for sure. should we go and check. she seems from a good family"

And thus they went to the ghat. But the girl had left. A hawker pointed out that she took a cycle rickshaw to somewhere. she was staying probably in the small town itself.

A man kept travelling straved and penniless and he finally collapsed. Police found him and his wallet had this photograph. A Building along person with a helmet.  He was hospitalized.

His shoes were customized. This person had large feet. Police found driver's licence. The name said Ravi Sharma. Age 34. From Mumbai. Light Motor Vehicle.