Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The BIG BANG Bazinga.

16th February was the date. I voted. End of story.


Wow! the shortest blog post (by me) ever.

Wait. No there is more.

Why, why - please end this.
(Image from this link)

Ok. Time now for a Bazinga moment.

What if we (Indians) decide to change the face of our democracy.

We right now elect our representatives with one vote each. Each vote technically has the same power over the other. So put it simply a poor slum dweller has a equal say as a middle class flat owner or a rich man with 100+ properties. But are all three able to qualitatively access their representatives. Do they have the time, will and faith over their representatives. Is a feedback and an interactive system in place.

I personally (a post graduate) is sure that I with all my education and exposure is unfit to select the leaders of our country. How do I know how is not/less corrupt. How do I know that this person will not use next 5 years for personal gains. And how do I know that the promise this person is showing right now is a short term carrot to win this election.  These are the usual carrots.(better roads/ water/ transport / Rs.500/ Saree)

But with my education I have imagination.

Hence I put forth a solution to our democracy.

How to find a representative.

1. People vote and elect only a certain set of professional (occupation) related people in their area. For example people will get to elect 3 lawyers, 3 doctors, 3 journalists, 3 businessmen, 3 architects... etc.

An uneducated person can also be selected through this but he needs to be a professional - (businessman, artist, ...)

2. These elected representative will then choose the representative among themselves and those people will do the term as the people representative.

3. Those who do not wish to lead the area will be allowed to drop out but those who are willing and capable will be given due support with all administrative support. (IAS).

4. The remaining candidates who were not selected but elected by the people will be questionable to the people they represent and hence they will be asked to track, monitor and question the working of their selected peer.

5. Targets will be set for the terms of the elected candidates.

6. For reelection, these targets would need to be met.

7. No body will be allowed to be a professional Politician. They need to have an profession. The initial list of professionals will be made available to every voter.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Strategem Samosa: Strategy Basics part 2

We know that Strategic planning is required in any field. But what are the basics of a strategy.

Defining Strategy -

Strategy is direction or scope  of an organization over the long term which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment to meet the needs of the markets and fulfill stake holders expectations.

Direction - Where is the business trying to get in the long term

Scope - Which markets should the business compete in. What activities can be done in those markets.

Advantage -  How can the business perform better than the competitors in those markets.

Resources - What are the skills, finances, contacts, technical competencies required to compete.

Environment-  What are the external factors affecting the business ability

Stakeholders - What are the values and expectations of those who are in or around the business.

Lets keep Chiwda as the product and the objective is to launch it in multiplexes.

Lets break it into 10 easy steps.

1. Setting Direction.

What do we want to achieve in the mindset of the consumers in terms of Chiwda is important here. Its not enough to say that we want to sell Chiwda. You got to clear on what you are communicating to the senses (emotion wise ) and(logic wise).

Chiwda emotional : Desi Chat /snack. Popcorn (Angrezi)


Chiwda logical : Popcorn outside Rs.15 vs inside Rs.70  - Chiwda outside Rs. 30 vs Chiwda Inside Rs. 50.

2. Concentrating Resources
Multitasking is good, but real work happens with focused behaviour. This needs to be planned and executed.

3. Maintaining Consistency
Everything needs to be measured. If it is found that consistency has dropped, the reasons for that in execution needs to be found and corrected. usually though not always, execution fails because people dont share the common vision.

4. Retaining Flexibility

Its good to have a plan. But flexibility to the environment is crucial. Suppose the people communicate to you that Chiwda is oily, or fattening, you have to have alternatives.

5. Setting and Executing Tasks

6. Options

7. Actions

8. Monitoring and Control

9. Monitor and modify
The difference between point 8 and this is that you change the parameters.

10. Long term is Strategy (War) and Short Term are the tactics. (Battle).

Have both short term and long term plans and execute them with due modifications.

Do comment on this post and share any experiences you had at Strategy.

(The frame work for the definition was from

By Ninad Tatke.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pyar ka Punchanama Delhi Belly and Die Hard Live Free or Die Hard.

This post is a original work of fiction: 

A Bollywood director and a script writer decides to write a fresh new love story "inspired" by the above 3 movies.

Movie Name :  Dil Delhi hazir Jaan Desh Munazir. (Or something like that!)

A terror group takes over the capital of the nation (Delhi) by hacking all its infrastructure. At the same time the hero is controlled by his girlfriend. He leaves to carry out a task set out by his girlfriend and bumps into another lady and both accidently exchange the bags (parcel) they were holding.

This leads to spiral of confusion and running around which leads to the hero single handedly taking on the bad guys and terminating them one by one while getting badly hurt and abusing his girlfriend (verbally) through out the process. Oh yeah and he has a side kick who is suffering from a bad stomach. This will make a good funny side track. The hero wins.

Coming soon at the ...


enviro-normal (part 1)

With due Credit to the Ads of the world, Volkswagen and the team of Advertising people who came with the name enviro-normal and reached out to me. here is the link.

But what if we can come with ways of living life normally and yet save the Planet!

Here are a few possible and impossible ideas (impossible until someone does it).

And these are free. Anyone who wants to do them can, no copyright issues here.

1. A holding bicycle. An aluminum base folding bicycle which would weigh something like 4 kgs and be carried after folding in a bagpack, including the wheels which fold into 4 parts for each wheel.

 Meant for short distances and avoids parking and cycle safety issues.

Should be Affordable. (aka a lay man should be able to purchase it).

Taken for Granted Chapter 5 - Where dreams begin.

Universe is funny as it shows us ways when we least expect it. It also takes away the pleasures of life and brings tragedies. No one can change a bad beginning but anyone can start now to create a successful ending.

CUT TO: I have a visitor. I wonder who that can be and finally I get to see my visitor. It is Father Pinto. He is trying to get me out on bail. He vouches for me. It gives me hope.

FLASHBACK:  The start of 1996 was a really wonderful. Tourism was picking up slowly as India was slowly becoming a tourist hot spot. Our Hotel was overflowing with tourists. Some were nice, some were harsh. But at the end they were all customers. I remember Anna Kesley from Russia. She stayed in room 137 in our hotel with her parents. She was in Dalhousie for a week. She came to the lobby every evening and meet me. We were both 15 years old and both of us were charmed in each others presence. She liked to talk a lot and we discussed on many issues. She told me stories of Othello and Hamlet. I taught her a few words in Hindi. She joked around that her name meant "come" in Hindi. Taken was of course a interesting name. We had many funny moments with my name. Katha could not meet me in this time, she felt  insecure. She possibly even felt jealous. She started giving me the silent treatment. I was so engrossed in spending time with Anna that I did not even notice that Katha was avoiding me.  I treated Anna as a friend but she was a tourist. She left at the end of the week. I hugged her on the last day, said goodbye and I have never seen her since. Katha was still angry with me.  Shankar tried to convince Katha to forget everything. But she was angry and Shankar kept on trying - he would not give up. But both of them were not meeting me for last 2 days. I was bored. Life seemed dull.

Then one day a fire broke out on the first floor of our hotel. My father got trapped in the flames. AR was outside in the market and he heard about the fire and called fire brigade.  

How to be like a funny man with out any clue

Also  called as Funnyguy for Dummies.

  1. Rule 1. Say something seriously but include a chuckle. People should feel that you are kidding when you are dead serious.
  2. Rule 2: Dont get angry, or frustrated. Be genuine in your effort to be clueless or least bothered.
  3. Laugh at yourself.
  4. Make bigger and difficult things go away from you by repeating them - As in if someone asks you, "Do you want to do this?" repeat it with a " oh boy" as in "oh boy do I want to do this." This will make that thing go away.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Strategem Samosa: Basics of Strategy part 1.

We know that Strategic planning is required in any field. But what are the basics of a strategy.

Defining Strategy -

Strategy is direction or scope  of an organization over the long term which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment to meet the needs of the markets and fulfill stake holders expectations.

Direction - Where is the business trying to get in the long term

Scope - Which markets should the business compete in. What activities can be done in those markets.

Advantage -  How can the business perform better than the competitors in those markets.

Resources - What are the skills, finances, contacts, technical competencies required to compete.

Environment-  What are the external factors affecting the business ability

Stakeholders - What are the values and expectations of those who are in or around the business.

Lets keep Chiwda as the product and the objective is to launch it in multiplexes.

Lets break it into 10 easy steps.

1. Setting Direction.

2. Concentrating Resources

3. Maintaining Consistency

4. Retaining Flexibility

5. Setting and Executing Tasks

6. Options

7. Actions

8. Monitoring and Control

9. Monitor and modify

10. Long term is Strategy (War) and Short Term are the tactics. (Battle).

Ok. I agree that these are not 10 easy steps but 10 crucial steps of strategy.

I will elaborate on them in part 2.

Do comment on this post.

(The frame work for the definition was from

By Ninad Tatke.

When Indian Cricket Team loses its Sponsorship.

Indian Cricket team with out Sahara 

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Dark Knight Rises - Why Agneepath and Dark Knight are Same movies.

Call me crazy but why so serious in the first place. 

Today lets tell
why Dark Knight and Agneepath (new one) are the same movies . 

1 Dark -knight Parents killed (technically first movie - aka Batman Begins) and the boy survives and grows up with vengeance in mind.
1.1 Agneepath - Father is killed. Mother survives but the boy basically grows up on his own with vengeance in mind.

2. Joker does a super entry and captures the screen. 
2.2 Our very own Kancha does enter in the first 10 minutes and does a brilliant attention grabbing role. (It was reminding us of Voldermort ). But it was capturing the screen.

3. Lines from Dark Knight " He is the hero Gotham deserves but doesnt need right now. He will run and we will chase him because he can take it"
3.3 Mandva requires Vijay Chavan but will not have him. Vijay Dinanath Chavan has to die.

4.They spend a good part of screen time disposing other villians (the Chinese mafia in Dark Knight / plus Harvey Dent (two face) ) and Rauf Lala (Rishi  kapoor) in Agneepath.

5. Commissioner Gordan and the police commission in Agneepath both do enough to be good characters but never enough to be heroes.

6. The love of their live dies as the angry young hero cant same them.

7. Both are wearing a mask. Batman actually. Vijay Chavan (by the virtue of hiding the middle name).

8. Jokes laughs and so does Kancha and they both have logics which we dont get.

9. Most Bruce Wayne and Vijay are complex characters who plot, scam and create environment for their own good.

So thats why with different story lines and plot both movies are virtually the same.

Do comment on the post.

By Ninad Tatke.